Sunday, July 11, 2010

What Brings Joy To Your Heart From the Past?

Have you ever gone some place or had a smell come your way that took you back to a place and time in your life when life was sweet, simple and carefree? Tonight my wonderful husband Hank took me to see David Cassidy in concert. When I was a child of 12 David Cassidy was my pretend boyfriend and I was going to marry him. I had a poster of him on my wall and I would sing "I think I Love You" to him every night before I went to bed. I really believed I would marry him one day. (How wonderful it was as a child to believe in such things). I would twirl around in my bedroom and daydream about what kind of wedding I was going to have. So you see tonight was very special even though I did not marry David Cassidy (I forgive you David) his music brought such sweet memories flooding back to my mind (memories long ago forgotten). Memories of a time of innocents. A time in life when as a young girl the only worries you had was what to dress your dolls in, or what games to play to occupy the time. It was a time of sweetness in ones life, a time to be carefree and dream about the future and what could be. Tonight listening to the music brought back these memories and the sweetness of life from the past of a young girl. It filled my heart with such joy of the innocents of days gone by...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Dear Sheila, you don't know me, but I was tweaking my blog (I am a Canadian cartoonist) and it lead me here. I may be able to help you find the answers to your question: WHO AM I? Several years ago I too was "lost". I suppose you could say I went through a mid-life crisis. Well, I don't want to bore you with all the details, but I've written a book about my experiences and you are welcomed to visit my "other" blog site which has nothing to do with cartooning: God Bless! P.S. Yeah, I know, kinda weird getting a comment from a complete stranger!
